- Strudwick Family History Website

Example domain paragraphs

W   W   W   .   S   T   R   U   D   W   I   C   K   .   C   O   M    The Sunstruck Forest JOHN MELHUISH STRUDWICK When Apples were Golden and Songs were Sweet but Summer had passed away Note added 01/01/2021 - I am attempting to tidy the website after moving from the .net to .com domain, repair broken links, tidy up text etc. Apologies to anyone that has attempted to make contact via the broken email link over the years. I did lose a lot of email correspondance when a previous isp deleted my account after m

WHO WOULD BE INTERESTED IN THIS INFORMATION? Anyone and everyone with an interest in social or family history, and especially those looking for information on the "Strudwick" name or any of its variants. There does seem to be a general lack of information written on the subject. Even the "Strudwick" file at the Society of Genealogists seems to have gone for a walk, which is such a shame. STRUDWICK, WHAT'S IN A NAME? "That's a strange name". The times I have heard that said while I was growing up! Is it real

Research available on this site The   Decendants   of William & Betty Strudwick of Alfold, Surrey (William & Betty are my oldest ancestors so far discovered). This page is in development and may at times look a little untidy, you can find more information on Alfold on the Alfold and associated project pages. Variants - of the Strudwick name collected during my research. Guildford Settlement Examinations - Extracts from poor law administration records. Wills and Administrations - Listed wills, admins and ind

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