- STRIVE-Suicide and Trauma Reduction Initiative for Veterans | Ohio State College of Medicine

Description: The Ohio State College of Medicine has established STRIVE, the Suicide and Trauma Reduction Initiative for Veterans, a leading research site. Learn more about the treatment offered for military personnel, veterans and family members struggling with PTSD.

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The Suicide and Trauma Reduction Initiative for Veterans (STRIVE) is the only research institute in the U.S. that explicitly focuses on developing, refining, and treating in the areas of suicide, trauma, and gun related violence risk reduction.

STRIVE moved its globally recognized programs and operations to The Ohio State University in 2020 and continues to conduct research , education, outreach, and advocacy for improving the lives of veterans, military service members everywhere.

As of 2022 recent generous donations from the Ohio community and grants, STRIVE has been able to expand its outstanding clinical research and operations to include care to first responders and civilians who suffer from suicidal thoughts and post-traumatic stress in addition to our continued service to our veterans and military service members, at no cost to the individual. We've got your 6.