- Environment | Stop Fanita Ranch | United States

Description: Santee Fanita Ranch open spaces are under assault by out-of-town developers who would leave existing residents saddled with traffic gridlock from a 3,000-unit project generating over 25,000 vehicle trips/day. Help us protect our environment.

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Santee residents defeat Fanita Ranch in court! Any similar project approved requires a public vote Vote NO on Fanita Ranch!

The rugged Fanita hillside open spaces are under assault by out-of-town developers who would leave existing residents saddled with traffic gridlock from a  3,000-unit project generating over 25,000 vehicle trips/day. 

No new road outlets will be constructed.  Over 8,000 new residents jammed onto existing roads jeopardize emergency evacuation and risk the loss of Santee’s family-friendly community atmosphere.