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Description: Stockfree Organic supports farmers and commercial growers to transition to a sustainable growing method involving no animal inputs.

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hero-seedlings-sfologo 4 Growing with grace 2 8 The KINdling Trust 2 ABOUT US We need to rethink the way in which we produce food, recognise its ecological implications, and adopt a more earth-friendly approach. Climate change is almost universally accepted as being caused by the release, through human activities, of greenhouse gases (GHG) into the atmosphere. Stockfree Organic agriculture proves itself to use less land, water and fossil fuel resources, than livestock dependent systems.

The earth’s current period of development has been coined the ‘anthropocene’ – a time when virtually all planetary ecosystems are being affected by, and in many cases seriously degraded by human activity.

Food produced on stockfree organic farms is more resilient to the largest problems facing humanity, namely peak oil, availability of fertile land and climate instability.

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