- Stochastic Trend

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David Stern's Blog on Energy, the Environment, Economics, and the Science of Science

Today, I gave a seminar in the Arndt-Corden Department of Economics Seminar Series, titled: " Electricity Markets with Speculative Storage and Stochastic Generation and Demand ." We hope to post a working paper soon. In the meantime, here's the video * of my seminar: 

I have a new paper , coauthored with Ida Kubiszewski, Bob Costanza, and Luke Concollato, which investigates the development of the field of ecosystem services over the last decade since the founding of the journal Ecosystem Services . This is an open access publication – my first in a so-called hybrid journal. We used the University College London read and publish agreement with Elsevier to publish the paper. ANU now has a similar agreement starting in 2023.