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Tracking reports of reef health -- A view from Queensland, Australia, home of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) Hoagy (Prof. Ove Hoegh-Guldberg) is a fraud. Warmth is GOOD for the reef.

Written by Jennifer Marohasy in Australia It is impossible to reconcile the official statistics and what is under-the-water with the media reporting – including the reporting from Glasgow. There are meant to be more cyclones and less coral, but we have quite the reverse according to the official statistics. It is also making no sense that those who purport to care so much about the Great Barrier Reef still haven’t visited it. Then there are those who have visited it once, and then there are those who have v

A search of Google news for the term “climate change” turns up dozens of stories in the mainstream media covering a report which claims global warming has killed 14 percent of the world’s corals in the last decade. This is false. The cause of coral deaths in the past decade are multifaceted with most being the result of coastal pollution from various sources as well as a known sensitivity to sunscreen used by reef snorkelers. Coral can only exist in warm waters and data show as the world’s equatorial oceans

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