- Stephen Turner

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I’m a bioinformatician and data scientist at Signature Science, LLC. in Charlottesville, Virginia. After getting an M.S. in statistics I completed a Ph.D. in human genetics and a postdoctoral fellowship in epidemiology. I founded and directed University of Virginia’s Bioinformatics Core from 2011-2019, and have been a science & technology advisor at Signature Science ever since. I love talking about genomics, bioinformatics, human identification, forensics, running, and homebrewing.

I am a principal scientist at Colossal Biosciences and Form Bio specializing in bioinformatics engineering in support of species restoration and conservation using synthetic biology and genome engineering. I have a M.S. in statistics and Ph.D. in genetics, and did my postdoc in epidemiology. I founded and directed University of Virginia’s Bioinformatics Core from 2011-2019 before going into consulting to build bioinformatics and data science solutions for the US Government in public health, defense, and nat