- Stephen Sovie’s Blog

Description: A blog by a retired old guy who likes to write about what’s important to him, mainly politics culture, life, and social issues.

culture (6064) politics (4039) society (2063) stephen sovie (1)

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Random thoughts about politics, social issues and life in general written by a retired old guy who likes to write about what's important to him.

I've always enjoyed celebrating the Fourth of July with happiness and pride in my country. I especially remember the great feelings I had as I celebrated the fireworks on the Esplanade in Boston. I was amongst a crowd of hundreds of thousands of people, from all walks of life, all races, all ethnicities, all genders, and all religions. I felt so proud to be an American! Not so much now.

Since the introduction of Donald Trump onto the American political stage, white supremacists, bigots and Christo-Fascists have been given the green light to attack our democracy and those who do not fit their description of an American.

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