- Stephanie von Hinke | Professor of Economics

Description: I am a Professor of Economics at the University of Bristol. My research builds on the biomedical as well as social sciences. I investigate the importance of genetics, early life environments, parental investments, and government policy in explaining individuals’ health and well-being over the life course. I am the PI on a 5-year European Research Council…

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I am a Professor of Economics at the University of Bristol . My research builds on the biomedical as well as social sciences. I investigate the importance of genetics, early life environments, parental investments, and government policy in explaining individuals’ health and well-being over the life course.

I am the PI on a 5-year European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant (2020-2025) that aims to incorporate genetic data into social science research and study the importance of the nature-nurture interplay in the developmental origins of health and disease. I was a Co-PI on a 3-year NORFACE DIAL award (2018-2021). I was previously a Professor of Health Economics at Erasmus University Rotterdam (part-time; 2018-2022). I also held an MRC Early Career Fellowship in the Economics of Health (2011-2014) at the U

See my CV here

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