- Stationery Office

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Stationery is commercially manufactured writing materials, including cut paper , envelopes , writing implements , continuous stationery , and other office supplies . Stationery included materials to be written on by hand (e.g., letter paper) or by equipment such as computer printers .

Originally the term stationery referred to all products sold by a stationer, whose name indicates that his book shop was on a fixed spot, usually near a university, and permanent, while medieval trading was mainly carried on by itinerant peddlers (including chapmen , who sold books) and others (such as farmers and craftsmen) at markets and fairs . It was a special term used between the 13th and 15th centuries in the manuscript culture . The Stationers' Company formerly held a monopoly over the publishing in

In its modern sense including personal writing materials, stationery has been an important part of good social etiquette , particularly since the Victorian era . Some uses of stationery, such as sending a manufactured reply card to a wedding invitation, have changed from offensive to appropriate.