- Star Trek Magic

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….at least I no longer need Star Trek Magic to inspire me to track and record the behind-the-scenes aspects that fascinate me.  I’m still interested, but both Star Trek and Star Wars worlds are meeting that need themselves – very nicely, thank you!

Remember Wesley on Star Trek NG?  He grew up!  Wil Wheaton became an excellent st ory-teller, blogger, narrator, and host of The Ready Room .  I attended his talk at my very first Comic Con, in Phoenix and practically fell out of my seat laughing at his reading of his Unicorn Pegasus Kitten story. Sorry, I can’t find a recording to share with you and I certainly can’t do it justice myself. I’ll just say that it was an idea dreamed up by Wheaton and John Scalzi and it got me paying attention to him. https://

For each of the new Star Trek series, Wil hosts sessions with the actors, producers, and creators of visual effects, costumes, props,etc.  He asks the questions I’d like to ask and, as an unapologetic fan himself, has a point of view I can relate to.  Picard , Star Trek Discovery ,  Star Trek Lower Decks – he hosts his sessions for each.  Check out this for Picard .

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