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The use of steroid pills stems from a number of reasons. The leading among them are, of course, two. The first is of course as a remedy for certain illnesses and the second is generally in the arena of sports, where steroids are administered to help enhance muscle building and create a great body. Steroids too are of two kinds; Anabolic steroids and Corticosteroids. Corticosteroids are the steroids that most medical practitioners use to reduce swelling and pain in the muscles, tissues and nervous system. On

So what are the side effects of steroids? What makes anabolic steroid pills harmful? Well according to articles from Health Fitness Drug, to answer this question, one needs to understand that the effects of steroids spread themselves all over the body and encompasses in its grip all the human organs. Hence, even though you might be taking the pills for a specific muscle growth, the effects of the steroid pills will be prevalent on all your organs and tissues. Some of these effects can include the growth of

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