- Ship 1

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Dive on in!

Sea scouts was founded in 1912, 2 years after The Boy Scouts of America. As of 2016, Sea Scouts is currently its own independent program within the BSA. From 1998 to 2016, it had been part of Venturing, and prior to that part of Exploring. Sea Scouts is a part of the Boy Scouts of America, and is available to young men and women ages 14 to 21. Classically, Sea Scouts has been about different types of boating. However, recently there has been an increase in other focuses of the ship.

We tend to focus on Scuba diving, while we may participate in other activties related to water sports. We regularly meet at the dive shop to discuss what we will be doing as a Ship, and to work on our skills. We participate in the Thursday fun dives at Stillwater Diving, and tend to plan an activity each month. This could be something like a PADI specialty trainings, or something fun like underwater basket weaving, camp outs full of diving, and trips to new dive locations.