- Roman Catholic Church Burley in Wharfedale | Menston | St John Fisher & St Thomas MoreSt John FIsher & St Thomas More Catholic C

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Our parish family extends a very warm welcome – through the pages of this website – to you all, whether you are a regular parishioner, new to the area, returning to the Church, a visitor, or perhaps just interested in what we do.  St John Fisher & St Thomas More Catholic Church is situated between the villages of Burley in Wharfedale and Menston, we also serve Tranmere Park and Hawksworth village.  Our address is Bradford Road, Burley in Wharfedale, LS29 7PX.

Please accept the prayers and good wishes of our parish family for you and for your loved ones.  Do contact us if you wish to be involved in any of the activities detailed on this site; or if you are hoping to explore the Catholic faith as it is practised in the world today.

You can read News items, weekly messages from Fr Michael and download the latest bulletins.  Please see our Youth, family & Children’s Liturgy page – it shares some thoughts and activities for our children and their families.  Our Tree of Life page celebrates gaining CAFOD’s LiveSimply award.  Pope Francis asks us in Laudato Si’  how the whole church – including every member of our parish family – can respond to care for creation, our common home, each and every day through prayer, simple action and hearing