squaredup.com - SquaredUp - The Unified Observability Portal

Description: We help modern enterprises build, run and optimize complex digital services by surfacing data to make better decisions, faster.

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Open navigation menu Product Plugins Pricing Learn Sign in Sign up Business intelligence for engineering teams Insanely flexible dashboards and analytics that unlock insights directly from your observability, cloud and DevOps data. Data, data everywhere Product, engineering and IT teams are swimming in data. So why do we find it hard to answer questions like "how are we doing"?

Visualize Intuitive dashboard designer Universal search Object drilldowns Analyze Universal SQL analytics Graph analytics Data correlation Monitor Real-time monitoring Status roll-up Alert to ServiceNow, Slack + Share Easy dashboard sharing Connected workspaces Role-based access control Features at-a-glance What can your data tell you? SLO reporting Understand the reliability of your critical services.

Monitor the health of all your systems in one place.

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