spy-web.de - Lukas Spychalski

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Hi! I am Lukas Spychalski I live in Aachen, Germany I graduated at RWTH Aachen University I majored in Computer Science and minored in Business Administration I wrote my diploma thesis at the Media Computing Group I am a dancesport trainer for competitive latin american dances certified by the DTV (licence B) I am a dancesport adjudicator certified by the DTV (licence A latin and C standard) Profession I work as the CIO at MedAix Alongside I am a self-employed professional Webdesigner and Consultant with a

Hi! I am Lukas Spychalski I live in Aachen, Germany I graduated at RWTH Aachen University I majored in Computer Science and minored in Business Administration I wrote my diploma thesis at the Media Computing Group I am a dancesport trainer for competitive latin american dances certified by the DTV (licence B) I am a dancesport adjudicator certified by the DTV (licence S latin and C standard) Profession I work as the CIO at MedAix Alongside I am a self-employed professional Webdesigner and Consultant with a