splbilliards.com - SPL Billiards – SPL Billiards

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At SPL we’ve been in the billiard industry for over 20 years — working with Diamond Billiards as their Factory Authorized Dealer for six. We sell and offer maintenance on all the equipment that you purchase. Whether it’s table recovery or setting up a 20 table tournament we’ve got you covered, making sure that every table is leveled and playing properly. We only work on Diamond equipment as our customers’ needs are our first priority and we’re proud to consider our hands-on service and experience the best i

SPL billiards is owned by David Isaacs. Our company is based out of Denver, Colorado but we travel all across North America delivering and setting up tables as contractors for Diamond Billiard Products. We love to meet new customers or speak with fans of Diamond tables.

Owner Dave Isaacs

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