spiritinmotionyoga.com - Spirit in Motion Yoga

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Spirit In Motion Yoga in Lethbridge , is on the move.   After providing a full variety of weekly studio classes from 2002-2016, in 2017 we began to transition to offering smaller more intimate registered classes and workshops.  In March of 2020, Covid-19 changed all our lives, and we could no longer meet in person, so we began offering our more popular classes online.  Now, with the sale of the beloved church studio we’ve called home for the past 20 years, we are in a time of transition.

We still believe it’s important to create a sense of community through yoga classes, meditation groups, and other community events that bring people together.  We have partnered with The Martha Retreat Centre ,  the  Buddhist Temple of Southern Alberta  and with the Naramata Centre in B.C . for both online and in-person classes and workshops. Try some of our online classes and workshops.   Or try a private yoga or spiritual direction session.  Sign Up for our Newsletter, at the bottom of this page,  to stay

Combining the timeless wisdom of yoga with modern principles of anatomy and movement, Spirit-in-Motion Lethbridge yoga classes will not only transform your body, but will quiet your mind and enliven your spirit.

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