spgb.org.uk - worldsocialism.org/spgb – Part of the World Socialist Movement

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Part of the World Socialist Movement

Cover page May Socialist Standard Coronation Special Contents ... ➤ Agriculture Agri-vation... ➤ High seas Exploitation everywhere... ➤ Juice Juiced up... ➤ Rent Flat broke... ➤ Free stuff What do you think...? ➤ Summer School Book before 17 May... ➤ 3 Free Standards Water disgrace! April 30, 2023 It’s still early spring in the UK and the government is already talking about water rationing. But researchers say that the rich use up to 50 times more water than the rest of us, with their regularly washed cars,

In the last 23 years, over 80 large cities have faced extreme droughts, with global demand expected to outstrip demand by 2030. When the Day Zero drought hit Cape Town in 2018, the richest 14% of the population had used 51% of the water ‘for non-basic needs’, more than the poorest 62%.