spellingright.net - Spelling Automaticity

Description: VocabularySpellingCity presents evidence in support of the importance of spelling in reading comprehension in the reprinted article by Pamela E. Hook and Sandra D. Jones, The Importance of Automaticity and Fluency for Efficient Reading Comprehension.

reading comprehension (44) fluency (43) automaticity (10) research on spelling automaticity (1) impact of spelling on reading comprehension (1) spelling research (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Many people have questioned the importance of teaching spelling in an age when our computers and our phones often have spelling checkers and suggested words always available. Of course, these gadgets can suggest and approve words that are totally inappropriate to the context, frequently with comical results. There is an underlying question about the significance of spelling skills for literacy, reading comprehension, reading fluency, and writing skills. This article summarizes the research underlying the qu

The article is reprinted with permission by Diane E. Nies, Manager of Professional Development and Publications, The International Dyslexia Association. Granted in writing, April 9, 2009. Original source: the International Dyslexia Association quarterly newsletter, Perspectives, Winter, 2002, vol. 28, no. 1, pages 9-14. Signed Vocabulary and SpelliingCity Mayor

The Importance of Automaticity and Fluency For Efficient Reading Comprehension by Pamela E. Hook and Sandra D. Jones