- | The Spaniel Club >>> Dog Training

Description: | How to Care for Dogs at Home. ✅ Tips on How To Train Your Cocker Spaniel ✅ Things You Should Know About the Cocker Spaniel!

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The Spaniel Club The Spaniel Club is the official Spaniel breeder organization in the Netherlands. It is an association of Spaniel breeders in the country. Many common sites lie 50plusmatch and Elitedating are promoting our club as the resource and the organization to go to when you want to look for every article related to spaniels. They have also opened the group for members both here and abroad for all professional breeders and trainers of spaniels. It is not enough that you train and breed spaniels on y

You may have not known this but spaniels are gun dogs. When we say gun dogs, this kind of breed is responsible for helping hunters get their prey. In the late 1800s, you can expect every spaniel to be accompanying people of wealth in the hunt for different animals. It is quite a luxury before to have a spaniel accompany you during shoots. But it is only through the use of Spaniels that hunters can do everything that they can to get their target.

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