- Space-Filling Random and Quasi-Random Sequences • spacefillr

Example domain paragraphs

spacefillr is a package for generating random and quasi-random space-filling sequences. Supports the following sequences: ‘Halton’, ‘Sobol’, ‘Owen’-scrambled ‘Sobol’, ‘Owen’-scrambled ‘Sobol’ with errors distributed as blue noise, progressive jittered, progressive multi-jittered (‘PMJ’), ‘PMJ’ with blue noise, ‘PMJ02’, and ‘PMJ02’ with blue noise. Includes a ‘C++’ ‘API’. Methods derived from “Constructing Sobol sequences with better two-dimensional projections” (2012) S. Joe and F. Y. Kuo, and “Progressive

You can install the released version of spacefillr from Github with the following:

remotes :: install_github ( "tylermorganwall/spacefillr" ) Example Generating random sequences is an important topic when trying to solve problems using Monte Carlo methods. Careful choice of the correct random (or quasi-random) sequence can result in much faster convergence to the final answer. Let’s take the problem of solving for the value of Pi by counting the number of values that fall within the unit circle. If we generate random values between 0 and 1, count how many fall within the unit circle, mult