- Real Estate Tips – Take Our Word For It These Work!

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Selling a home for more than your neighbors takes the right mix of ingredients.

In July, a Realtor® brought a buyer to one of our north Raleigh listings and made an offer. We countered at list price. She came back significantly closer to our list price, however my seller and I were confident in our price so we countered again by saying we would accept their offer at list price. She then told us “you will never sell that home at that price.” She cited one home on the street that was comparable which sold for less. We respected her opinion and pointed to the fact that homes in Raleigh ar

She was upset we didn’t take her buyer’s offer so she took it out on me through the phone. She said things like ‘Do you know who I am?’ and told me all about how great of a real estate agent she is. At that point it was no longer about trying to do what was right for her client, it became about her ego.