- repository of small ORFs identified by ribosome profiling

Example domain paragraphs

A repository of small ORFs identified by ribosome profiling

Small open reading frames (sORFs) can be defined as open reading frames smaller than or equal to 300 nucleotides (100 amino acids). These “sORFs”, while inherent to all genomes, are historically ignored in gene annotation studies, stating that these lack any coding potential. Exclusion of these sORFs has emerged as a side effect during the development of different (gene prediction) tools in the field of bioinformatics/genomics/proteomics trying to reduce noise, imposed by technological limitations However,

Two query interfaces were developed for The default query interface excels in the quick lookup of sORFs, however has limited query possibilities.For example the default query interface excels at the lookup of sORFs containing a specific sequence pattern. A tutorial regarding the default query interface can be found HERE . For advanced querying and export options a BioMart query interface is implemented. BioMart allows to filter, view and export data according to the user's needs. A tutorial regar