- | mark a. thomas -

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mark a. thomas / 212-203-2970 e-mail: mark [at]

Reports of the Pay Phone’s Death are Greatly Exaggerated I made The New Yorker’s May 28, 2022 “Talk of the Town,” in a clever and insouciant piece by Zach Helfand. We toured New York City’s last official street payphones and found they basically do not work. One of them even ate my quarter, which is incredibly annoying. Calls from LinkNYC kiosks were also pretty unstable and barely audible for both parties.

The Only Living Pay Phones in New York I got a couple of paragraphs in this May 27, 2022, piece in the New York Times. I contributed mightily to this piece, which unfortunately appears to further the erroneous information that those really were the last payphones of New York City. Not my first  Times appearance, probably not my last. You do not need to be a paid  Times subscriber to access that story.