- SONYSUIT.COM - The Sony BMG Settlement for XCP and MediaMax

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Tue 23 May 2006

I am informed that at the fairness hearing yesterday, Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald approved the settlement , but did not make a ruling as to attorney's fees. At this point, no documents resulting from the hearing have been posted on PACER. The EFF responded to Sony's response to their claim for almost $2M in fees. It looks like the claws are coming out in that fight and I plan to get all of the documents online soon. The appeal will also be getting off to a good start this week, with the deadline for the appe

These documents were filed earlier this month, but due to exams and other personal issues, I’ve not had an opportunity to post them. They provide, however, the other view of the EFF’s fee request which is discussed below. Defendant Sony BMG Music Entertainment’s Memorandum in Opposition to the "EFF Group's" Motion for the Award of Attorneys’ Fees (PDF)

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