- somalistory

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Watch the Trailer. Share the Film. Explore Resources.

This 15-minute short film portrays the true story of a Somali woman and the life-changing experience that drew her to Christ. Recreated from actual events, this compelling drama protects her identity while sharing her story. The film is available in English, Somali, and Maay. (Aniga iyo Walaalkay oo sii kala Coloownay)

What if God were near? What if you, your hopes and dreams and everyday life, were tremendously important to Him? What if the things you have been taught about Christianity were not really the truth? Could it be that the God of the Christians is truly what God is like? If you have ever asked these things, you are not alone. The resources offered here are for people just like you, people who are searching for the God who promises: “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”