- SETA 2024 | Sustainable Energy Technology Asia 2024

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Executive Asian Energy Leadership Forum is a premium frontier that brings together the two key leading events of Asia: SETA and Solar+Storage Asia (SSA). The two-day inclusive conference invites high-level representatives, executives, leaders, and policymakers from more than 55 nations across the globe to collaborate and address pressing sustainability issues. It offers a comprehensive and insightful approach to tackling sustainability challenges across the several essential pillars, such as Hydrogen, Ammon

Introducing our keynote speaker for SETA – a true visionary and leader in the industry who has made a significant impact and transformed the way we think about the world. With years of experience and a wealth of knowledge, our keynote speaker brings unparalleled insights and expertise that will inspire and empower you to achieve your loftiest goals. Join us as we welcome this dynamic individual – a true force to be reckoned with who is poised to take SETA to new heights!

17-18 August 2023 Bangkok