- – Part of the World Socialist Movement

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Part of the World Socialist Movement

Cover page July Socialist Standard Contents ... ➤ DIY DIY power tools... ➤ Biodiversity Why biodiversity... ➤ Political instinct Political instincts... ➤ Yazidi On the run... ➤ Viruses Going viral... ➤ Summer School Last chance, book by 6 July... ➤ 3 Free Standards A dog’s life July 6, 2023 Hachiko, a famous dog who has his own statue in Japan, waited everyday for 10 years at a railway station for his dead master to return. He represented, says a professor from Hawaii , the ‘ideal Japanese citizen’ with his

This of course is just how capitalism would like you to be too, a loyal pet who questions nothing and knows their place. All capitalist countries (and some like China which pretend to be otherwise) try to inculcate submission into their workers, for the continuing benefit of the robbing rich. It’s high time we turned and bit their hands off.