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Welp, Elon won. I won’t be posting on the bird site anymore. Since purchasing it, Musk has managed to make an already chaotic place much, much worse. It honestly sucks. I’ve met a ton of people there that I would never have known, and people on Twitter helped get me through some of the hardest parts of my life. A second divorce, my mother dying of cancer, etc. I met my current husband...

This is a culmination of tweets I sent in 2019 as I was documenting the process of caring for my mother in Florida while she was dying from stage 4 cancer. This post isn’t really for anyone else, I just wanted to keep a longer-lasting record for myself. My mom was diagnosed with throat cancer & possibly brain cancer today. I’m still a little shocked. She’s a terrible human being, but I...

My team at Grokability has been fully distributed since I started the company five years ago. Some of us are local, some of us are halfway across the country, and some even in other countries. All of us work from home all the time. While you’d think we’d be just fine dealing with the self-isolation and social-distancing we’re all (hopefully) practicing during the COVID-19...

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