- Snapdragon Stamps

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Hey y'all, how goes it?  After I posted on Monday, I called the moving company to ask when our stuff was going to be delivered but they didn't give me a date, so the hubs called them in the afternoon and was Quite Unhappy at them for taking so long (our stuff arrived in the DFW area on July 20, but they still wouldn't give me a delivery date) and now we're getting it next Friday.  I am very much looking forward to having my bed and couch back.  Not to mention all the contents of my craft room. So yeah, I ha

Scrappy Monday, y'all!  I tried to schedule a bunch of posts before we left Germany and didn't realize that I'd run out of scheduled Scrappy Monday posts already : p  Ryan and I are still waiting to get our household goods here in Texas, but at least we have the Internet (even if the computer is sitting on the floor and I'm on a yoga mat with the keyboard in my lap).  Hopefully it won't be too much longer. In the meantime, how about a layout from our time in England.

It's already that time again--a new challenge is going live from SUO Challenges !