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GradeMiners  essay writing service  at a reasonable price. It provides professional proofreading for students’ written essays, as well as a plagiarism checker , and an unconditional money-back guarantee. It has quick turnaround times as well as secure payment options and a vast referral program. Despite its great features, GradeMiners also makes a few mistakes.

First, the main page is too filled with information. GradeMiners boasts a large team of writers, however the majority are ESL writers. While they do have some essay writers, they offer many services such as dissertations and coursework. They also provide homework help for high school and college students.

Grademiners has a broad selection of writing assignments and claims to be able to complete 97% percent of orders on-time. It also provides a free writing blog, as well as other writing resources. GradeMiners claims that it has been in business for more than 10 years, and that its writers are highly skilled academic writers. The site has more than 3500 writers available to fulfill every single order.