- Steven S. Lyubomirsky

Example domain paragraphs

I am a Senior Machine Learning Systems Engineer at OctoAI (previously known as OctoML). Previously, I defended my dissertation at the University of Washington, which I completed under the supervision of Prof. Zachary Tatlock in the Programming Languages and Software Engineering group.

I am broadly interested in compilers and tools related to compilers, such as in producing tools to enable new kinds of programming, including tools built on proof assistants and SMT solvers to develop programs with proven correctness properties and compilers for domain-specific languages that better encode expert knowledge to achieve greater performance and expressiveness.

During my graduate studies, I did research with the SAMPL group, which is an interdisciplinary research group holistically exploring problems spanning the machine learning stack. I worked on projects related to TVM Relay , whose purpose is to enable new abstractions and optimizations in machine-learning frameworks by providing an expressive intermediate representation and new compilation pipeline for TVM, for which I am a committer.

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