- Slow the Spread - Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association

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With respiratory illnesses increasing, Arizona hospital capacity is once again strained. This webpage provides links to resources to assist hospitals in managing surge.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued blanket waivers that allow hospitals to screen or triage patients off site; provide care in temporary expansion sites to boost surge capacity; and more easily transfer patients between facilities. These flexibilities are available to address emerging concerns, including the spread of RSV and flu, when a provider determines that – as a result of the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 emergency – standard regulatory requirements could not otherwise be

The Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS), Office of Medical Facilities Licensing, has updated their Frequently Asked Questions guidance for hospitals managing patient surge during high demand public health incidents. These FAQs outline regulatory flexibilities available to hospitals in the absence of a state level emergency declaration and subsequent state regulatory waivers.