- SLICES-PP – Scientific LargeScale Infrastructure for Computing/Communication Experimental Studies – Preparatory Phase

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Scientific LargeScale Infrastructure for Computing/Communication Experimental Studies – Preparatory Phase

The digital infrastructures research community continues to face numerous new challenges towards the design of the Next Generation Internet. This is an extremely complex ecosystem encompassing communication, networking, data-management and data-intelligence issues, supported by established and emerging technologies such as IoT, 5/6G, cloud-to-edge computing. Coupled with the enormous amount of data generated and exchanged over the network, this calls for incremental as well as radically new design paradigms

The SLICES-PP consortium gathers the 25 partners from 15 countries (France, Netherlands, Greece, Italy, Poland, Switzerland, Spain, Belgium, Cyprus, Hungary, Luxembourg, Germany, Sweden, Finland, and Norway) having signed the SLICES MoU (and committed in-kind contributions) with a special focus in Networking and wireless research; Future Internet; Internet of Things and Internet of Services; mobile communications, security of telecommunications and applications; Network protocols and architectures, NFV, clo

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