- Slayer_X – Blog de Cesar Villegas Ureta

Example domain paragraphs

Yes, I decide to change the language, now I will start writing in english. Why? First, I need to improve my writing skills. Second, I became an immigrant, I left Perú some months ago and now I am living in Canada. There is a lot of things that I want to write about, for now this is only the beginning.

Hice el upgrade a la versión 14 de Terraform y me encontré con un problema a la hora de intentar levantar un cluster en EKS de AWS, el error es el siguiente:

[cc lang=”bash”]Error: Unsupported Terraform Core version on .terraform/modules/vpc/ line 2, in terraform: 2: required_version = “> = 0.12.7, > 0.14″[/cc]