- Skilldrick |

Description: A blog about programming and related stuff

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It’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything on this blog. Most of my creative output has been focused elsewhere, on non-blogging activities. I figured it was time to add some kind of content to my blog. So here’s what I’ve been working on recently (where recently means “since I last published here”).

Once upon a time I was going to be a recording engineer, and I spent four years learning all about audio and recording and music . I ended up not using my degree, but recently I’ve been reuniting my two passions of programming and music/audio.

Almost 3 years ago I wrote a free online ebook called Easy 6502 . It started life as a series of unpublished blog posts on this book, but as it got longer I realized it needed to be its own standalone thing, with an embedded simulator for running the 6502 assembly code. It ended up being super popular, and I’m very proud of it.