- Sjoerd van Steenkiste

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Sjoerd van Steenkiste sjoerdvansteenkiste at gmail dot com

I am a Research Scientist at Google Research in Mountain View interested in fundamental problems in machine learning and artificial intelligence. Previously, I was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IDSIA) , after receiving my PhD in Informatics (Artificial Intelligence) in November 2020 under the guidance of Prof. Jürgen Schmidhuber . I received an MSc in Artificial Intelligence, an MSc in Operations Research, and a BSc in Knowledge Engineering from Maastric

Currently, my research mainly focuses on compositional generalization in vision/language, learning structured 'symbol-like' representations with neural networks, and the binding problem. I have also worked on (meta) reinforcement learning, neuroevolution, and multiwavelets.

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