- Xi (Sisi) Hu

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Dr. Xi (Sisi) Hu  is the Program Fellow of the Labor & Worklife Program at Harvard Law School, a research economist at the National Bureau of Economic Research and an Honorary Research Associate at the Oxford’s Environmental Change Institute . Her current research interests lie in understanding the impact of global disruptions (climate change/digital transformation/Covid) on labour. Recently she has developed huge passion in clinician burnout research and focusing on this line of work. Her climate research

LWP Program Fellow, Harvard Law School

During her PhD, she consulted for the Latin American Energy Organisation (OLADE); worked as an energy modeller for the UK Infrastructure Transitions Research Consortium; interned as a climate adaptation researcher with the Chinese National Development and Reform Commission; and facilitated dialogues between Oxford and government agencies such as the Chinese Ministry of Water Resources. In 2015, she co-founded the Oxford International Infrastructure Consortium (OXIIC) whose aim is to facilitate communication