- Sir Ranulph Fiennes Live on Stage |

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Named by the Guinness Book of Records as ‘the world’s greatest living explorer’, Sir Ranulph’s many ambitious endeavours have pushed his endurance levels to the very limits, inspiring generations and making him a pioneer of exploration with an unparalleled story to tell.

Amongst his many record-breaking achievements, he was the first to reach both Poles, the first to cross the Antarctic and Arctic Ocean, and the first to circumnavigate the world along its polar axis.

Now in his 70’s, Sir Ranulph has packed more adventures in one lifetime than most people can ever dream of.  Named by the Guinness Book of Records as the ‘world’s greatest living explorer’, Sir Ranulph Fiennes has spent his life in pursuit of extreme adventure, risking life and limb in some of the most ambitious private expeditions ever undertaken.  Some of his lifetime highlights include: