- Singer-Songwriters, Live!

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This section is intended to present some featured items that seem relevant to SSWL: interviews with artists, maybe reviews of albums or reviews of shows. We'll see... If any of you have requests for such features, you're welcome to suggest them in the comments section of this site, or send your suggestions by email to me at [email protected]   Thanks!

Planes On Paper is a band based in Yakima, WA, headed by singer-songwriting duo, Jen Borst and Navid Eliot. Their songs are characterized by lovely, lyrical melody lines and poignant, well-crafted lyrics. Don't believe me? Try this out: Television (accompanied by Josiah Johnson of The Head and the Heart ). If that doesn't churn the wellsprings of emotions for you, I think you should check your pulse. I saw them first at Conor Byrne in Ballard about two and a half years ago, and I've been an ardent fan ever

SSWL: Where did you guys come from originally? What were your respective musical backgrounds? What were your first instruments? When did you each begin playing guitar? Navid: I'm from Seattle, and Jen was born in Sunnyside, WA, and grew up in Yakima. We've both been making music since we were 6 or 7 years old, both plunking around on the piano and playing wind instruments in school and community orchestras, normal kid stuff. In middle school, I picked up the guitar and started playing in bands; Jen started