- Conway's Simple Contraption | Matt Conway's occasional musings, rants, and thoughts.

Description: Matt Conway's occasional musings, rants, and thoughts.

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We all know that Apple coined the term “Retina Display” to describe their high density displays for iPhone.  The screens for mobile devices at the time were hovering in the 120-150 range for most handsets, while the retina screen for the iPhone clocked in at an impressive 326 PPI (pixels per inch), it was heralded as a great breakthrough for visual fidelity and accuracy.

Jobs, ever the master of marketing, claimed that this was a screen grain so small that the human retina couldn’t resolve individual pixels, and thus the name.  From there, erupted a great debate about what “retina” actually meant, some saying it was the End of Pixel Density Innovation Forever For All Practical Purposes, and others claiming it was just a meaningless marketing fluffymumbleword.

( Fluffymumbleword™   is a meaningless marketing term trademarked by SimpleContraption).