- Sillyfrog's Blog – "Once a pond a time…"

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Sillyfrog's Blog "Once a pond a time…"

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “the last thing you filled.” Think about the last thing you filled or the contents you filled it with and use one or both of those things as your prompt. Enjoy!

Well, I need to post this today again. My weekend schedule won’t allow me to wait. The last thing I filled was my gas-powered lawn mower tank about half an hour ago. I’m fortunate enough to have a large lawn which couldn’t be done by an electric one. I’m not complaining. Even if my yard measured 10′ by 10′, I’d use a gas powered one. The reason being I prefer using petroleum and coal energy firsthand. I live in Massachusetts one mile from an extremely liberal college town. If I used an electric mower, I’d g

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