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If you are suffering from sleep apnea or tooth grinding, you may benefit from a mouth guard. Wearing a night guard will prevent the contact of upper and lower teeth while you sleep, which can cause headaches, jaw pain, and sore gums. If you suspect that you are grinding your teeth while you sleep, you can have a consultation with a dentist. These professionals will help you select the right mouthguard for your specific needs, and will make sure that you use it regularly to avoid any future problems.

A mouth guard for sleeping can be useful in a variety of situations. It can reduce the risk of injury to the teeth and gums. Unlike a traditional plastic nightguard, a mouth guard for sleeping is customized to fit your particular jaw position. You can buy one from your pediatric dentist, or visit your nearest dental clinic. A mouth guard for sleep is essential for patients with sleep apnea, which causes pauses in breathing while sleeping. This condition increases the risk of stroke and heart disease.

Snoring is an extremely common problem and can affect the individual snorer as well as their partner. You can talk to a Chicago sleep apnea dentist to determine if a nightguard would be beneficial. Even mild cases of sleep apnea can be treated with a nightguard. If you have a condition that requires the use of a night guard, you should consult with a dentist about a customized mouthguard.