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Hey! I'm Shrenil (Shren) Patel . Software Engineer and author/co-Creator of the popular Webtoon Original Webcomic, AXED! Be it making something cool, eating something cool, finding something, or even learning something cool. If you're working on some cool tech you bet I want in!

Writing    //Comedy, Drama, Sci-fi Video Games    //CRPG, Strategy, Casual Hackathons / GameJams    //Really interested in OpenCV & image processing ATM! Board Games Camping Brain Teasers & Riddles Traveling    //been to like ~20 countries Cartoons + Anime Bad Puns    //Try me! I'm a master. I guess you could call me a PUNdit Bad Pickup Lines Exploring    //Cities, Wilderness Creating sick beats Ai competitions Chatting with friends online

"With great power comes great responsibility" - Uncle Ben