- Dr. Nicole Shephard | Consulting, training, research: diversity and inclusion; gender and technology

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Things I’m working & collaborating on I collaborate with GenderIQ as a consultant and trainer for diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We create tailored diversity trainings that we deliver in-house for companies and organisations, as well as shorter workshop formats on topics like sexism in the workplace or unconscious bias. Currently we’re working on expanding with e-learning solutions for individual and corporate customers.

The Feminist Internet Research Network (FIRN) is a collaborative and multidisciplinary project led by APC. It supports eight research projects from across the Global South and Eastern Europe that focus on the thematic areas of access, datafication, online gender-based violence, and the gendered digital economy. I’ve joined FIRN as a member of the advisory committee.

Check out a selection of my public facing articles and blog posts!

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