- Smart Image/CSS/JS Optimization Services and CDN for Websites | ShortPixel

Description: ShortPixel is an online image optimization service that smart-compresses images, CSS and JS. Global CDN delivery. Tools and plugins for any WordPress or generic website. Compress your images with up to 90% without any humanly visible differences.

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Imagine if there was a tool that could easily make your website faster. Not only that, but it would save you time and effort when dealing with images. This way, you can be unaware of all the complexity behind it. You will not have to worry about delivering optimized "next-gen" images, properly adjust the images size and serve them through a CDN... Well, with ShortPixel tools, you can accomplish all of that and more.

Whether you have just one website or manage hundreds of websites, ShortPixel can help. No more worries with editors forgetting to resize the 5 MB image they took with their phone. Or other time-consuming processes before uploading the images to your website. Just add the images and ShortPixel will do the rest.

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