- Sherry D. Ramsey – care and feeding of speculative fiction writers

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As you might have noticed from the first page banner, The Fifth Force is up for pre-order! I’ve set the release date tentatively as June 1st, but it’s very likely to be out before that. I have to wrap it up for my Patreon followers first, of course! They’ve been enjoying (I hope!) early access to the serialized version since last year. You can find all the pre-order links as they come online at my Books2Read page for the book. The pre-order price is only $2.99. And of course, just today I thought of a fun p

Now that my website is (finally!) working again, I really should post about my latest novel, shouldn’t I? Even if it’s not exactly shiny-new any more. :) When a legally blind woman asks Olympia Investigations to investigate the murder of an apparent shapeshifter, Acacia pays attention, even if the local police won’t. Following the scent of the murderer, Acacia becomes deeply involved with the shifter community of Turnabout Landing–which is nothing like what she expects. The trail of accusations and networks

Whew! Most of the website renovations are complete and the dust is swept up. I’m still freshening up the paint here and there, but everything should be working pretty well now. I’ve tied my Payhip store in to the site for a reasonably seamless experience…check it out! And let me know if you find anything very broken, so I can add it to my to-do list! Continue reading

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