- Sharp Words – Catherine Sharp – writer of many sorts

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Catherine Sharp – writer of many sorts

The Library of the Unwritten , A J Hackwith. Own copy, ebook, first read. Really fun premise: all unwritten books exist in a library in Hell and the librarian is an unpublished writer. It has angels, demons, (deceased) human souls, muses, escaped books-turned-corporeal characters, and a good mystery plot. However, it took me a week and a half to read it which is a very long time for me to be plodding through a new-to-me book – though it’s hard to know at the moment if that’s down to the book or just <waves

EpicFantasyNovel , Catherine Sharp. Own copy, ebook. Including this because yes, for no especial reason except curiosity, I read through the 170,000 word first volume of my epic fantasy trilogy, which I started writing in 2005 and finished in 2014 except not actually because there appears to be a chunk missing in the middle though I do have notes for what it was supposed to be. It’s actually not too awful, maybe? I like the characters and parts of the plot, and the writing is largely adequate. I can’t see m