- Sharleen Joynt

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Coloratura soprano Sharleen Joynt has been praised for her "silvery, sparkling, substantial and resonant soprano" [ Die Deutsche Bühne ], her "scintillating high range, reminiscent of the most beautiful moments of Mady Mesplé" [ Opernwelt ], and "an artistic command that leaves the listener breathless" [ Deutschland Radio ]. Recently, Sharleen reprised the role of the Controller in Jonathan Dove’s Flight for Seattle Opera , which was filmed and released for streaming in April of 2021, critics exclaiming, “W

Upcoming engagements include returning to Seattle Opera to debut the role of Morgana in Alcina , as well as debuting with Detroit Opera as Bess in Missy Mazzoli’s critically acclaimed Breaking The Waves . Recent engagements include Sharleen’s French debut with her signature role of Cunegonde in Candide with Opéra National de Lyon , Gilda in Rigoletto with both Florida Grand Opera and Opera Colorado , Amore in Gluck’s Orfeo with Seattle Opera , and a return to Edmonton Opera as Euridice in Orphée .

2020 engagements were to include a reprisal of her signature role of Zerbinetta in Ariadne auf Naxos with Calgary Opera . In the previous season, she made a role and company début as Gilda in Rigoletto with Edmonton Opera , performed in New Year’s Galas with the Hong Kong Philharmonic , and sang the Controller in Jonathan Dove’s Flight with Pacific Opera Victoria . Prior engagements included performing the role of Winnie in Lembit Beecher’s Sky on Swings , a new opera about Alzheimers starring Frederica von